Looking for a kingdom

Split light burns back from the buildings below the headland, the sea silent and shimmering after the storms On the street of the snake the houses are empty and the stones are treacherous but there is a ship waiting below…

Read: Looking for a kingdom

Playing the queen

You live in small rooms like a queen Outside, tiled roofs and alleyways, curtains half-closed, narrow courtyards, choking in the night, suspicious circumstances I go to fight your battles but forget to pray and am deceived by someone nearer home…

Read: Playing the queen

Death is a game

Sitting at your bedroom window, I watch a black and white cat pursue a shrew Across the car park, the tiny shrew scurries through fallen leaves and into undergrowth, free for a few precious moments as you are free when…

Read: Death is a game

Queen Street

As I walk down Queen Street, Lake Ontario, like a sea, merges into the misty horizon – lacy boundary of some other kingdom and on this side a picket fence and many mansions: this must be my father’s house, but…

Read: Queen Street