Pushing the bandwagon

Global temperatures have not increased in the last decade. But it takes more than that to stop the global warming bandwagon, which will probably keep on rolling until it hits a glacier somewhere in Kent. The Prince of Wales is…

Read: Pushing the bandwagon

Heads you lose

A head teacher makes all the difference to a school. So much so that if you are checking a school out to see if it is up to your child’s exacting standards, you will do well to ask the head…

Read: Heads you lose

Motoring madness

The UK car industry is in trouble. According to the BBC, the number of new cars produced in the country fell by a record 59% in February this year, “as the motor industry continues to suffer from weak demand”. Why…

Read: Motoring madness

Dawkins may be a myth

Don’t worry: Richard Dawkins probably doesn’t exist. I myself have never seen him in the flesh, and nor has anyone I know. There is by all accounts a figure who claims to be Richard Dawkins, and who goes about proclaiming…

Read: Dawkins may be a myth

Critical failure

Editorial staff at my local newspaper, the Norwich-based Eastern Daily Press, are facing the loss of over 50* jobs. This will hit hard at a human level, with redundant journalists and ancillary staff losing their livelihood at a time when…

Read: Critical failure

Ready for the crunch

Those who value freedom enter 2009 with some trepidation. The over-regulation of society shows no sign of abating; the lack of trust in professionals and the proliferation of bureaucratic targets continues to harm both those who are targeted and those…

Read: Ready for the crunch